DCWee is a junior company now available to tour as a family program, featuring highly accomplished young performers ages 8-16 years old. Their repertory features traditional Irish dances in both hard shoe and soft shoe styles, as well as fusion works. Past DCWee performances include: The Duke Theater on 42nd Street, the New York City Irish Dance Festival, the Bowery Poetry Club, and the Center for Performing Arts in Rhinebeck, New York.
Darrah Carr Dance is proud to train the next generation of DCWee dancers through the company's ModERIN classes at the Irish Arts Center.
DCWee dancers describe their experience as:
“ModERIN is wonderful. It gives me a chance to use my arms, since you usually don't use them in Irish dance. Also, it is a combination of two of my favorite dance forms together. Dance is a great way to meet friends and I've met a lot of people through it. It is very exhilarating and fun to dance. The music is great, too!”
- Bellisant Corcoran-Mathe, age 12
“Irish step dance lightens you up! Every week I think of what new step we might learn today! I feel that Irish step is a time to have fun and learn at the same time. I started Irish dance in the first grade and ever since then, I've never wanted to stop!“
- Julie Magruder, age 11
“I love letting my feelings out in dance There is so much excitement and I just love it. Soft shoe is cool because you just feel like you're floating. ModERIN gives it a great modern twist to it. In dance class, you get to learn new things and you get to exercise. You also become more flexible, which is great. Once you get into it, you never feel like quitting!“
- Sara Teevan, age 12